Continuous Improvement Goals
Reading Attainment Focus
All staff at Altmayer, Dickinson, and Heritage Elementary Schools will implement reading strategies so that all students read at or above grade level as measured by the End of the Year Fountas & Pinnell assessment and at least one additional grade level common assessment.
Grades 3 and 4 will use Independent Reading Behavior Checklist
- Second Grade TBD
- First Grade will use Word Reading
- Kindergarten will use Letter ID
Reading Growth Focus: All staff at Altmayer, Dickinson, and Heritage Elementary Schools will ensure reading progress for all students so that:
- “Exceeds” students will sustain their advanced level of performance.
- “Meets” students will meet their expected growth.
- “Basic and Minimal” students will accelerate growth
- Reading GAP Focus- All staff at Altmayer, Dickinson, and Heritage Elementary Schools will reduce the achievement gap of student subgroups (SWD and EcD) while improving the achievement for all students.
How does this align with District Areas of Focus: Assessment, Literacy, Mathematics, Elimination of Achievement Gap, Student Engagement?
We believe that Authentic Literacy is the cornerstone of sound instructional practice. All Altmayer, Dickinson, and Heritage staff is working towards this common goal through providing common universal instruction in literacy, explicit research-based interventions, and efficient scheduling so that all students are at or above grade level including those with disabilities.
We continue to reduce the achievement gap in reading and writing between special population (special education, english language learners and low socioeconomic status).
Minding the Achievement Gap
Teachers have an essential role to play and can mind the gap they see in their classrooms. They can, with self-initiative and without delay, adjust their instructional and assessment practices rather than wait for end-of quarter or end-of-year to confirm that learning gap exist. By attentively focusing on improving classroom instruction and student learning outcomes, they can effectively mind, and thus close, achievement gaps.