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Nicholson's leadership, commitment and empathy cited in award nominations
The Redbirds placed 2nd in the Outstanding Chapter Award category, and 24 members will move on to FBLA state competition.
DPHS senior Ray Fitzl graduated in late January and has signed on as a masonry apprentice at Miron Construction, Neenah. Ray is currently working at Miron's Preble High School project and has previously worked on the company's Denmark Elementary School addition and renovations project.
The survey, conducted by School Perceptions, Inc., was open to all district residents, families, staff and students through Friday, Dec. 6. It revisited questions from past surveys and included some new topics. View results here.
The Unified School District of De Pere achieved a rating of "Signifcantly Exceeds Expectations," and now ranks 9th in the state for academic achievement.